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Rated 4.9/5
260 Reviews
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Curve Curve
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I meditated 4 times on the flight home and had zero jet lag as you promised. Felt fantastic!  


This is the first time that I've truly stopped and relaxed since I had my little boy three years ago. It feels so nice!  





I've been meditating twice a day and I feel happier, full of energy and full of libido!    



I've been meditating for 12 days now and I feel so relaxed, my wife has told me that I am like a new person. I haven't smoked at all since that Thursday I am just not feeling the urge, it's great! Work wise, it's been fantastic, I am very calm and very focused. My to do list is done daily by 5pm which is unheard of. Overall I would say not just surprised, but amazed.  







We asked our students how meditation has helped them...

I feel calmer, more concentrated, less tired and much less sensitive to stress. It is just amazing and a great improvement in life quality...I'm really surprised by how quickly I felt the benefits!







Since learning this meditation technique with Will, I feel a strength and energy that really uplifts my day  


I've realized that the feeling of peace is actually what I've been missing for a long time. I'm generally calmer and without my usual level of nervous excitement. Some issues at work which would trigger me to get worked up didn't as I caught myself before which is great. My appetite has changed and now eating because I'm hungry, rather than because I'm fueling the stress.  






The thing I love about this type of meditation is the ease and simplicity. In ten years of meditating, I've experimented with many different techniques. I finally feel like I can say last I find myself letting go of things I would usually worry about."  



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