
Mindfulness is a hot topic at the moment and has become an umbrella term for many different kinds of meditation. The technique that we teach is by far the easiest, and is likely to have a far more beneficial effect on your day to day life. If you are interested in mindfulness courses in London, you may find that Beeja meditation offers everything you are looking for - and more.

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Researchers at Harvard found that the Vedic technique we teach at Beeja is four times more effective at cultivating present moment awareness than any other mindfulness technique.

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  • What is Mindfulness?

    Mindfulness can mean one of two things. 

    As a state of being, it is to be conscious or aware of something. Continuous present moment awareness sums it up best.

    As a practice, it can refer to a number of different methodologies stemming from the Buddhist tradition, which are aimed at developing the quality of mindfulness in the practitioner. Often, the practices are informed by something called The Five-Aggregate Model, a psychological model of the mind that informs all Buddhist philosophy and practice.

    The context of the word mindfulness as a methodology derives from the practice of Sati, a term from the language of Pali, most often associated with Theravada Buddhism, and an essential component of practices such as Satipatthana, Anapanasati and Vipassana.

  • How are Mindfulness courses practiced?

    Mindfulness classes are practiced while sitting with eyes closed, in a cross-legged position, either on the floor or a cushion, with the back fully erect and straight. Attention is generally then placed on the naval, or the nostrils, and you allow your awareness to monitor any thought patterns or emotions as they come and go. In other methodologies, a process of counting numbers is used.

    In many schools, if you lose your attention in thought, then you start again until you’re able to complete your allotted time frame, at which time you may wish to extend the amount of time you practice for.

    There are a variety of options if you want to learn more about mindfulness in London, but mindfulness classes aren’t the only way to develop your present moment awareness. If you’ve tried it already and feel there must be more, it’s well worth considering the Beeja approach to mindfulness, as it tends to be considerably easier, and a lot quicker. 

  • Beeja meditation vs Mindfulness

    The first thing you’ll notice about Beeja is how easy it is. It’s so simple, everyone can do it, and everyone we’ve ever taught has been able to meditate successfully first time.

    Most meditations, including mindfulness, attempt to train the mind through thinking. With Beeja, the idea is to allow your brain to relax into a powerful state of awareness. This is achieved via a personalised mantra; a sound selected to work with your own nervous system that will effortlessly transport you beyond thought into a space of restful awareness. There’s no need to beat yourself up because you ‘failed’ to stay focused on the breath, you roll with all outcomes, and all you need to do is return to the mantra when your mind wanders.

    Another key aspect of Beeja meditation, unlike many mindfulness courses, is that there is no need to sit with crossed legs or with a straight back. You simply sit comfortably, in whichever position you feel most at ease. It is actually much more effective to meditate this way and much more enjoyable! It also means you can meditate easily wherever you are: on the tube, in a coffee shop between meetings, or on a park bench with the sun on your face.

    Having your own customised sound also means Beeja meditation is quicker to master. On average, it takes about two months for the brainwave patterns of new meditators to match those of very advanced meditators.

    You can become totally self-sufficient in your practice in an 8-hour course spanning three consecutive days. This allows you to progress much faster than standard mindfulness courses. It’s also very liberating to not be reliant on any person or electronic device to guide you. 

  • The benefits of Beeja

    Beeja meditation has also been shown, scientifically and anecdotally, to deliver a more holistic set of benefits and positive outcomes. 

    - It improves sleep, with a 42% reduction in sleep disorders. 

    - It is 250% more effective at reducing anxiety than all other techniques, including mindfulness.

    - And, most importantly of all, for those looking to be more present moment aware and mindful, multiple research studies have demonstrated that Beeja meditation is three to four times more effective at delivering improved present moment awareness compared with mindfulness.

    This is also borne out by the more than 1000 people we’ve taught who’ve done both Beeja meditation and mindfulness in London. Every one has reported a greater impact with Beeja. Some of our students participated in a recent study on working memory and Beeja meditators significantly outperformed those doing mindfulness.

    Many people who have done both mindfulness classes in London and Beeja meditation report that Beeja delivers a much more interesting level of experience, that feels much more engaging and enjoyable. One of the reasons for this is that the mantra is customised to each individual for optimal results. 

    At Beeja, we are on hand to give you follow up support anytime you need and have 24 FREE group meditations a month and check-in sessions, which you are welcome to make use of for the rest of your life! This is very useful for people in helping them establish and master their practice. It’s also a great opportunity to meet some really interesting and cool people along the way.

    Ultimately, there are many paths to wisdom and knowledge; it’s simply a case of finding the practice which most resonates with you. If in doubt, try both!

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  • Reviews

    Dejana, Life Coach, London

    “I've been a spiritual seeker for many years, and although everything I tried made a difference, it is Beeja meditation that caused the most profound shift in my life - at all levels and in a very short amount of time.”   

    Alan, IT Manager, London

    “I had bought all the books, CDs and Apps out there on relaxation and mindfulness. None of them worked as well as Beeja meditation.”   

    Norah, Therapist, Bath

    “I'm really loving having the meditation practice. I've realised now why what I was doing before wasn't working so well: every time I sat to meditate I had to make a choice about what I was doing which kept me in my conscious mind. Now there is no choice to be made. I sit down and just practice the technique and I don't have to think about it.”    

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"...I managed to switch off for long enough to get that floaty feeling people from Brighton swear by"
"I have a lifelong tool that has bought me calm, clarity and increased creativity"
"I've noticed that I'm no longer ruled by emotions - I can see when I'm angry or frustrated without being in that feeling"

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2nd Oct

3rd Oct | 7pm - 10pm

3rd Oct | 7pm - 10pm


 Select the one hour slot of your choice for Day 1. Times for Days 2 & 3 are fixed group sessions.

All times are Eastern Standard Time

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45 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London, N1 6PD

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68 Acre Lane, Brixton, London, SW2 5QN

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In Person

Clockwise Lounge, 2nd Floor, 77 Renfrew St Glasgow G2 3BZ

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