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Curve Curve
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I found the meditation weekend such a breakthrough experience, it was a long time I hadn’t felt that strong spiritual connection with the world and people around me. Will was very engaging and reassuring, even when the experience was challenging, and I felt safe to explore in the workshop setting. Vedic meditation helped me with sleep and stress level, but above all to reconnect with the present moment, which was exactly what I wanted to achieve.





The weekend course was incredible. Catherine is a wonderful teacher and the setting and techniques are surprisingly conducive to immediate and tangible benefits. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and am eager and inspired to continue.

I was delighted by the whole thing. It was a refreshing experience that left me feeling positive and energised and happy to continue with something that I know will be extremely beneficial in my life. I only wish I had discovered it much, much earlier. I thought Will's manner wonderfully beguiling. He embodied the efficacy of his beliefs being calm, thoughtful, highly responsive, engaging, enlightening without being preachy and altogether compelling! I hope to never look back. I will tell all my friends and family about this wonderful technique and I will look out for Will's book and buy it and I would love to keep in touch and drop in for the odd group meditation as a refresher. Of course it's very early days for me and I don't have any doubt at all that it is going to help me sleep better and live better!! Wonderful!! Thank you so much!! xxx






Since I have started meditating 1.5 years ago my life has changed profoundly in many aspects and I am very thankful for the role that meditation played. Meditation largely contributed to improving my health issues such as my chronic sinusitis digestion problems. Yet the most important and beautiful change I have noticed is that the more I tune into myself the more not only my life but the life of the people in my environment seems to be transformed. It has become a journey not only to discover my true self but also one that is branching out to lighten the life of my loved ones with joy, love and creativity. Thank you

We asked our students how meditation has helped them...

I feel so much calmer, stronger, more confident, focused and able to make decisions more easily. I also feel so much more accepting of myself and have stopped giving myself such a hard time. So many people have commented on how much brighter I look. Friends have said that I look 'glowing', 'radiant' and 'taller' (better posture!?), and a colleague said she could see a lightness and happiness in my eyes that wasn't there before! I've absolutely LOVED the last week! I've really enjoyed adding rounding into my meditation practice. I have stayed clear of caffeine as well, I haven’t needed it!Food has tasted more delicious, the world has looked brighter, I have had more energy and in the last week I have had an incredible clarity which has helped me to make some pretty big decisions! Life is looking like it's on the up! Thank you!

Thank you so much to Eddie for such an insightful 3 days. The technique he showed me made me see the world in a degree of clarity which no other therapy has done. I feel confident I tackle my anxiety both alone and with the help of group sessions. I can now look forward to the coming months and the excitement they will bring and not dwell on anxiety. thank you xx

I've been meditating for just over a month now and I've found that doing the course has improved areas of my life that I wasn't previously aware needed improving, as well as benefited me in the way I hoped. I have a much stronger sense of clarity and awareness and no longer feel like an anxiety ridden mess when faced with tough life decisions. Instead of my mood being quite up and down, I now feel at a consistent level of calm and no longer feel worried about how I'm going to feel from one day to the next. On a practical level I feel as if I notice much more around me, can now sleep all the way through the night without waking up, have more energy, am more interested in others and noticing that I am laughing a lot more (as well as hearing music in mundane sounds?!). It's so helpful to have something which brings you back to an equilibrium every single day and just feels like an ultimate act of self love. Excited to see what will happen after five years, if it's only been five weeks. And thank you Jess for being such a knowledgeable and patient teacher.

I've been practising since summer 17 and have discovered a reason to be cheerful. The calmness, ability to react positively, with mindfulness towards others, and most importantly with consideration of myself first, I can put down to the strength gleaned from daily meditation. My instructor (Jess) taught me well.

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